NCBI | The National Center for Biotechnology Information at NIH, USA |
EBI | The European Bioinformatics Institute in Cambridge, UK |
Human Genome
ENSEMBL | EBI, Hinxton, UK |
The Sanger Centre | The Sanger Centre, Hinxton, UK |
BROAD Institute | BROAD Institute, MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA |
Non-Human Genomes
Mouse | MGI Mouse Genome Informatics |
C. elegans | Wormbase |
Drosophila | Flybase |
Saccharomyces | SGD Saccharomyces Genome Database |
PROTEINS primary DB | UniProt, SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL (ExPASy, CH) |
GENES primary DB | Gene Entrez (NCBI, USA) |
Blast_NCBI | Basic/Advanced BLAST (blastall) search at NCBI |
Primary structure
InterPro | Integrated resource of protein domains and functional sites (EBI, UK) |
Pfam | Protein domains and motifs (EMBL) |
ExPASy Tools | ExPASy Proteomics tools |
Secondary structure
PredictProtein | The PredictProtein server (Columbia, USA) |
Tertiary structure (3D)
Swiss-Model | SWISS-MODEL. An Automated Comparative Protein Modelling Server (ExPASy, CH) |
PDB - RCSB | Protein Data Bank (RCSB) |
PDBsum | Summaries and structural analyses of PDB data files (UCL, UK) |
SCOP | Structural Classification of Proteins (MRC-LMB, UK) |
CATH | CATH Protein Structure Classification (UCL-BSM, UK) |
KEGG | KEGG:Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (ICR, JP) |
REACTOME | Reactome is a database of biological pathways |
PubMed | PubMed is the National Library of Medicine's search service |